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[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] [ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] |
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Title | A year in the death of Joe Egg |
Originaltitle: | A Day in the Death of Joe Egg | |
Regie: | Robin Lough | |
Darsteller: | Eddie Izzard, Victoria Hamilton, Prunella Scales, John Warnaby, Robin Weaver, Lizzie Gwillim | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2002 | |
Land: | UK | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie, epileptischer Anfall, Anfälle, Zerebralparese, geistiges Kind, Eltern | |
Release: | 13.03.2002 |
Handlung | ||
Die Eheleute Brian und Sheila verbringen ihre Zeit damit, die behinderte Tochter Josephine (Joe), die mit Zerebralparese geboren ist und epileptische Anfälle bekommt, zu versorgen. Brian flüchtet vor den Problemen in eine Parallel-Welt. Sheila geht in der Betreuung auf. Wäre es nicht besser, die beiden ans Ende ihrer Kräfte gelangten Eheleute würden durch den Tod ihrer Tochter von ihren Leiden erlöst?
Weitere Info | ||
Nach dem gleichnamigen Theaterstück von Peter Nichols (1967) Remake von "A day in the death of Joe Egg" (Peter Medak, 1972) Er: Living with Sheila is to welcome death............... BBC-Tv-Film des Theaterstücks. "don't just sit there like Joe Egg" scheint ein geflügeltes englisches Wort zu sein für die Tatsache, dass jemand hilflos dasitzt. "A comedy about parenting a severely brain-damaged child - based on the personal experience of Nichols and his wife Thelma with their first daughter, Abigail - only a writer as personally involved yet deeply unsentimental and theatrically daring as Nichols could pull it off. The result is that rare thing: a seriously funny play about a seriously unfunny subject. Nichols' daring in achieving that is astounding enough; but that is not all. He's also constantly playful with theatrical form and convention as well, repeatedly dissolving the fourth wall between the stage and audience as the actors step out of the action and direct address their thoughts to us. Don't let that put you off. This is no Pirandellian evening of theatrical artifice, but a play shot through with poignant observation of the deadly ordinariness found in a young couple coping with an extraordinary situation." (Mark Shenton, Comedy Theatre, London Westend) "Some viewers may consider the subject matter inappropriate for comedy, but the film mines its uneasy laughter not from the child's plight but from the eccentricities of the parents' reactions." (Judd Blaise, All Movie Guide) "The characters of Bri and Sheila - he believes that their daughter's death would be a release whereas his wife, Sheila believes that she will one day recover - represent opposite sides of the moral argument on such cases: do we have the right to decide whether a human being should live or die or is it cruel to artificially prolong a life that consists only of severe fits and constant pain?" (Written by David Claydon {})
Filminfo aus der IMDb Datenbank |
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