function propTypeDateAddedSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "DATE_FORMAT(movies.DateAdded, '$GLOBALS[strDefaultDateFormat]') AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("movies.DateAdded"); } } function propTypeClicksSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "movies.DownloadCount AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeUserAddedSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = " AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]users AS users"] = "users.ID=movies.UserAddedID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeCommentsSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql['select'] = "COUNT(comment.ID) AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]comment AS comment"] = "comment.MovieID=movies.MovieID"; $sql['group'][] = "movies.MovieID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } if(file_exists('localproptypes.php')) { include('localproptypes.php'); } ?>
[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] [ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] |
![]() |
Title | Butterfly |
Originaltitle: | Butterfly | |
Regie: | Alex J. Withers | |
Darsteller: | Louise Salter, Rupert Procter, Maisie Barlow | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2014 | |
Land: | UK | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie | |
Release: | 00.00.0000 |
Handlung | ||
Die 16jährige Jane ist eine begeisterte und vielversprechende Wettkampfschwimmerin. Sie muss mit plötzlich auftretenden epileptischen Anfällen fertig werden. Bei einem entscheidenden Wettkampf gerät sie unter starken Druck. Soll sie nun das Schwimmen aufgeben oder für ihren Traum ihr Leben riskieren?
Weitere Info | ||
20 min - Short | Drama noch nicht in den Kinos Jane, a 16 year-old competitive swimmer, struggles against the epilepsy that has returned to haunt her life. When the condition puts her swimming career on hold and her quality of life under threat, she must decide just where her priorities lie...before it's too late. In the face of a vital swimming competition and under pressure from her father to focus on her education, Jane is left with the toughest choice of all: leave competitive swimming behind or risk her life in an attempt to follow her dreams. Kontakt:
Filminfo aus der IMDb Datenbank |
[ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] [ Trailer ] |
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