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Title Mr. Deeds geht in die Stadt
Originaltitle: Mr. Deeds
Regie: Steven Brill
Darsteller: Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder, John Turturro
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Land: USA
Stichwort: Amblyopia, sehbehindert
Release: 00.00.0000

Der Milliadär Preston Blake kommt beim Besteigen des Mount Everest um. Sein Vermögen erbt der Provinz-Simpel Longfellow Deeds, ein wahrer Idiot im guten Sinne. Die Blake-Gruppe möchte ihm seine Aktienanteile abkaufen. Bis es soweit ist erkundet Deeds das ihm völlig fremde New York, kommt aber auch hinter die Machenschaften des fälschlich ererbten Unternehmens. Der wahre Besitzer wird alles richten und Deeds für seine aufrechte Intelligenz fürstlich belohnen.

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Remake von Mr. Deeds goes to town (Frank Capra)

Steve Buscemi as Crazy Eyes, a citizen of Mandrake Falls and one of Deeds customers who suffers from Amblyopia.

Deeds wird von Crazy Eyes über die Machenschaften der Blake-Gruppe informiert. Diese werden vom wahren Besitzer des Unternehmens vereitelt, der Deeds für seinen Einsatz ein Vermögen vermacht.
Der mit dem einfachen Verstand und der mit dem langsamen Augen, das in Wahrheit auf ein langsames Gehirn zurückgeht, haben mal wieder schneller und klarer erfasst, was Sache ist.

Amblyopia, otherwise known as lazy eye,[1] is a disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or indistinct vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities. It has been estimated to affect 1–5% of the population.
While the colloquialism "lazy eye" is frequently used to refer to amblyopia, the term is inaccurate because there is no "laziness" of either the eye or the amblyope involved in the condition. "Lazy brain" is a more accurate term to describe amblyopia. The term "lazy eye" is imprecise because it is also a layman's term for strabismus, particularly exotropia.[citation needed]
Amblyopia is a developmental problem in the brain, not an organic problem in the eye (although organic problems can induce amblyopia which persist after the organic problem has resolved).[3] The part of the brain corresponding to the visual system from the affected eye is not stimulated properly, and develops abnormally. This has been confirmed via direct brain examination. David H. Hubel and Torsten Wiesel won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1981 for their work demonstrating the irreversible damage to ocular dominance columns produced in kittens by sufficient visual deprivation during the so-called "critical period". The maximum critical period in humans is from birth to two years old.
Amblyopia can be caused by deprivation of vision early in life by vision-obstructing disorders such as congenital cataracts, by strabismus (misaligned eyes), anisometropia (different degrees of myopia or hypermetropia in each eye), or by a significant amount of astigmatism in one or both eyes. (Wikipedia)

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