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Title Hemmungslose Liebe
Originaltitle: Possessed
Regie: Curtis Bernhardt
Darsteller: Joan Crawford, Van Heflin, Raymond Massey
Erscheinungsjahr: 1947
Land: USA
Stichwort: Katatonie, Anfälle, Psychotherapie
Release: 26.07.1947

Der Psychiater Dr. Harvey Willard behandelt Louise Howell, die nach einem Zusammenbruch in einen katatonischen Zustand verfallen ist. Sie erzählt ihm ihre Geschichte während psychotherapeutischer Sitzungen. Sie hat sich obsessiv und zurückgewiesen in den Architekten David Sutton verliebt. Dann heiratete sie Dean Graham, dessen kranke Frau sie eine Zeitlang gepflegt hatte und die Selbstmord beging. Sie erschiesst David, als er ihre Tochter heiraten will.

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Joan Crawford im Gespräch mit Roy Newquist:
"I think I worked harder on "Possessed" than on any other picture I ever made. Don't let anyone tell you it's easy to play a madwoman, particularly a psychotic. I used to think so, that you just pulled out all the stops and acted either manic or depressive and that was it. Both extremes have won, as you know, Oscars. But it's the wrong interpretation of psychosis, believe me, and I realized that just as we were ready to start production. So I pulled a few strings here and there so I could actually observe what went on in psycho wards up in Santa Barbara and at hospitals in Santa Monica and at UCLA. I talked to psychiatrists; one was even kind enough to read the script and tell me how accurately it depicted a psychotic woman (for the most part it was on the nose) and how he thought I should handle the difficult scenes. I think it came off well. It was a heavy, heavy picture, not very pleasant, and I was emotionally and physically exhausted when we finished shooting. I don't think I'd have the strength to attempt anything like it again.
↑ Most of it is filmed with unusual imaginativeness and force. The film is uncommonly well acted [..] Though she is not quite up to her hardest scenes, Miss Crawford is generally excellent, performing with the passion and intelligence of an actress who is not content with just one Oscar. In fact, the weaknesses in this unusual movie do not greatly matter beside the fact that a lot of people who have a lot to give are giving it all they've got." (Wickipedea) Roy Newquist, Conversations with Joan Crawford, Citadel Press 1980

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