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Title Scarred memory
Originaltitle: Bao jie: Qing qing
Regie: Raymond Leung
Darsteller: Farini Cheung, Wai-Sun Lam, Siu-Woon Edmond Ng
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
Land: Indien
Stichwort: Epilepsie, epileptischer Anfall, Anfälle
Release: 00.00.1996

Doctor Ivy Yip vernachlässigt den mit Hirntrauma eingelieferten Patienten Lee Yuen-Lung, der eine Frau vergewaltigt hat. Sie selbst leidet an einem durch eine Vergewaltigung erlittenenTrauma. Als sie Lee Yuen-Lung erneut, diesmal behindert und ohne Erinnerung trifft, sucht sie ihren Fehler wiedergutzumachen und verliebt sich in ihren Patienten. Doch dieser kehrt mit rückkehrendem Gedächtnis auch in seine verbrecherische Vergangenheit zurück.

Weitere Info
Aufgenommen in die Epilepsie-Filmographie von Kerson, Toba et al.: Implacable Images: Why Epileptiform Events Continue to be Featured in Film and Television, "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16793571"

from Toba Kerson's notes: Mobster is beaten nearly to death after raping a young doctor – among many other dreadful things. She is so focused on the rape that when he is brought to the ER (she doesn’t know that it is he) he has to wait so long for the correct interventions that she thinks she has caused his amnesia and docility. She takes leave from the hospital, helps him to regain his strength and at the end, when they each realize what he has done to her, he goes back to his old gang, volunteers to lead a fight with another gang that will lead to his certain death. Ch. 14 – he is in the interrogation room unable to remember who he is but having horrible flashback about his beating and he clutches his head and falls to the ground having a tonic-clonic seizure.

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