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Title Walking with Francis
Originaltitle: Walking with Francis
Regie: Jeremy Culver
Darsteller: Barry Bostwick, Fabrizio Bucci, Charleene Closshey
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Land: Italien
Stichwort: Franziskus
Release: 00.00.0000

Im Jahr 1224 wandert ein zarter und schwer kranker Mönch zum Bergstädtchen La Verna in der Torkana. Hier empfängt er die Stigmata.

Weitere Info
"Around 1180 John Bernardone came to life in a an Italian hilltop town overlooking an Umbrian plain that spreads to Perugia. His absent father, a prosperous clothing merchant, returned and changed his name to Francis favoring French troubadour traditions. The child grew in aristocratic Assisi, beyond poverty, in pageantry, poetry and papal crusades. Then God intervened, “Build my church”, a voice echoed, “for it has fallen from corruption to ruin”. Francis rejected worldly wealth and became God’s Troubadour restoring sanctuaries stone by stone and soul by soul while walking in the footsteps of Christ. On his last journey, painfully astride his donkey, guided by his acylote Masseo, Francis reveals the meaning of life and death. He interprets love, truth, mystery. Masseo listens, then must chose: be of this world or walk in the footsteps of a saint. As their path divides, Masseo realizes that “God’s hardest gift is choice” and he must chose between forging his own way or following in the footsteps of a man who would become Saint Francis of Assisi."

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