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Title Blue Skies Are a Lie
Originaltitle: Blue Skies Are a Lie
Regie: Gregory Ruzzin
Darsteller: Keith Brunsmann Julie Moses Matthew Sheehan
Erscheinungsjahr: 1995
Land: USA
Stichwort: Epilepsie, Psychose, Paranoia, Agoraphobie, Platzangst
Release: 00.00.0000

Der paranoische Joseph lebt seit 7 Jahren in einem Appartement in Los Angelos, nachdem er veranlasst durch traumatischen Erfahrungen Verbrechens- und Katastrophennachrichten sammelt. Die liebevolle und hilfsbereite Aushilfspostbotin Robyn begegnet ihm täglich und sucht ihn aus seinem selbstgeschaffenen Gefängnis und von seiner Platzangst zu befreien, in dem er jede Art von Pillen u.a. gegen epileptische Anfälle zu sich nimmt. Ein gemeinsam geplanter Campingausflug ändert beider Leben.

Weitere Info
"In this modestly budgeted but highly accomplished film, Keith Brunsmann, who has a commanding, intense presence, plays Joseph, a once-successful international photojournalist who one day recorded one atrocity too many for his psyche. As a result, he has holed himself up in his second-floor Los Angeles apartment for seven years, systematically recording from the media how the human race is destroying itself. He's also popping pills for his various ailments, including epilepsy.
Recently, however, he has been responding to what appears to be his only human contact, his mail carrier, Robyn (radiant Julie Moses), a pretty, vivacious young woman. In struggling to master stand-up comedy, Robyn finds herself opening up to life's possibilities, outgrowing her sweet-natured, handsome but not especially imaginative live-in boyfriend (Matthew Sheehan) and becoming intrigued with the clearly brilliant but damaged Joseph. What happens next is tremendously touching and thoroughly captivating."

Einige Aufnahmen der Protagonisten: https://zeldalambrechtdesign.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/blue-skies-are-a-lie/on-the-way-camping-bs/#main

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