function propTypeDateAddedSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "DATE_FORMAT(movies.DateAdded, '$GLOBALS[strDefaultDateFormat]') AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("movies.DateAdded"); } } function propTypeClicksSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "movies.DownloadCount AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeUserAddedSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = " AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]users AS users"] = "users.ID=movies.UserAddedID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeCommentsSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql['select'] = "COUNT(comment.ID) AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]comment AS comment"] = "comment.MovieID=movies.MovieID"; $sql['group'][] = "movies.MovieID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } if(file_exists('localproptypes.php')) { include('localproptypes.php'); } ?>
[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] |
Title | Emmerdale | |
Originaltitle: | Emmerdale | |
Darsteller: | Gaynor Faye, Chris Bisson | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2012 | |
Land: | UK | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie | |
Release: | 00.00.0000 |
Handlung | ||
Zwei Episoden: Kerry bekommt einen Anfall, als Amy an sein Bett tritt. Diane regt sich schrecklich über Gabbys Verhalten auf. (2012) Jai Sharma und Megan machen sich grosse Sorgen um ihre Tochter Eliza, die zweimal einen epileptischen Anfall bekommen hat. (2017)
Weitere Info | ||
Long-running soap following the ups and downs of village life amid the rolling scenery of the Yorkshire Dales. (1972 - ) On the episode of Emmerdale, Jai Sharma and Megan Macey anxiously awaited to hear what had happened to their daughter Eliza after she suffered another seizure after Tuesday's episode. However, Megan started to suspect that the medical incident could be linked to cerebral palsy after Eliza suffered a seizure when she was born due to a lack of oxygen after her shoulder got stuck during birth. And after running tests and discovering that the 18-month-old isn't walking as well as having epilepsy, the doctor said: "I'm sorry, everything is pointing to that [cerebral palsy], yes." The doctor went on to reveal that the condition will only affect her legs, as Eliza is smiling and interacting well. The couple had been warned Eliza might develop the condition when she was starved of oxygen during her difficult birth last year. "Emmerdale ist eine preisgekrönte Seifenoper im britischen Fernsehen. Erstmals lief die Serie am 16. Oktober 1972. Sie ist eine der bekanntesten Seifenopern im britischen TV. Vor ihr liegen nur noch Coronation Street und EastEnders. Im Oktober 2007 feierte sie ihr 35. Jubiläum. Vorbild war die irische Seifenoper The Riordans. Bis August 2017 wurden 7917 Episoden gesendet.
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