function propTypeDateAddedSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "DATE_FORMAT(movies.DateAdded, '$GLOBALS[strDefaultDateFormat]') AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("movies.DateAdded"); } } function propTypeClicksSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "movies.DownloadCount AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeUserAddedSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = " AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]users AS users"] = "users.ID=movies.UserAddedID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeCommentsSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql['select'] = "COUNT(comment.ID) AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]comment AS comment"] = "comment.MovieID=movies.MovieID"; $sql['group'][] = "movies.MovieID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } if(file_exists('localproptypes.php')) { include('localproptypes.php'); } ?>
[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] [ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] |
Title | Deadwood: Pocken | |
Originaltitle: | "Deadwood" Plague | |
Regie: | Davis Guggenheim | |
Darsteller: | Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2004 | |
Land: | USA | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie, Pocken, Epidemie | |
Release: | 25.04.2004 |
Handlung | ||
Während des Mordprozesses gegen Jack McCall wird Seth Bullock überfallen. Er schafft es zwar, den Indianer zu töten, der ihn angegriffen hat, bricht aber selbst zusammen. Als in Deadwood eine Pockenepidemie grassiert, beschließen die Stadtobersten, Reiter zu entsenden, um einen Impfstoff zu besorgen.
Weitere Info | ||
Episode der Serie "Deadwood" 1/6 US-Erstausstrahlung: 25.4.2004; dte Erstausstrahlung 03.05.2005 auf Premiere Aufgenommen in die Epilepsie-Filmographie von Kerson, Toba et al.: Implacable Images: Why Epileptiform Events Continue to be Featured in Film and Television, Episode 1/6 Plague - Poken;
Scene One (Season 1, Episode 6) The problem of suffering is dealt with, on the streets of Deadwood, primarily in the interaction of two of the supporting characters, the Rev. H. W. Smith (Ray McKinnon) and Doc. Cochran (Brad Dourif). Cochran is the settlement’s resident doctor, a former army doctor who has fled West following the Civil War; he wrestles with the guilt associated with the deaths of so many of his patients that he was unable to prevent.
Filminfo aus der IMDb Datenbank |
[ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] [ Trailer ] |
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