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Title Deadwood: Pocken
Originaltitle: "Deadwood" Plague
Regie: Davis Guggenheim
Darsteller: Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
Land: USA
Stichwort: Epilepsie, Pocken, Epidemie
Release: 25.04.2004

Während des Mordprozesses gegen Jack McCall wird Seth Bullock überfallen. Er schafft es zwar, den Indianer zu töten, der ihn angegriffen hat, bricht aber selbst zusammen. Als in Deadwood eine Pockenepidemie grassiert, beschließen die Stadtobersten, Reiter zu entsenden, um einen Impfstoff zu besorgen.

Weitere Info
Episode der Serie "Deadwood" 1/6 US-Erstausstrahlung: 25.4.2004; dte Erstausstrahlung 03.05.2005 auf Premiere

Aufgenommen in die Epilepsie-Filmographie von Kerson, Toba et al.: Implacable Images: Why Epileptiform Events Continue to be Featured in Film and Television, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16793571
1876: Die in Dakota gelegene Stadt Deadwood ist ein Sumpf von Korruption und Verbrechen. Hier begegnen sich der Ex-Sherrif Wild Bill Hickok und der Aufsteiger Seth Bullock als Gegner des Saloonbesitzers Al Swearengen. Um dies Dreieck gruppieren sich die anderen Schicksale von Deadwood.

Episode 1/6 Plague - Poken;
"Während des Mordprozesses gegen Jack McCall wird Seth Bullock überfallen. Er schafft es zwar, den Indianer zu töten, der ihn angegriffen hat, bricht aber selbst zusammen. Als in Deadwood eine Pockenepidemie grassiert, beschließen die Stadtobersten, Reiter zu entsenden, um einen Impfstoff zu besorgen." http://www.serienjunkies.de/DeadWood/1x06-plague.html

"The episode begins with Bullock riding after McCall but not getting far. After his horse is shot down by a Native American warrior, he barely escapes with his life. ........ Ray McKinnon’s over-the-top performance as the Reverend H.W. Smith is sometimes a bit much, but there’s a real intrigue with his character’s seizures. I was under the impression that epilepsy was a long-term condition for him, but Smith’s attack this week was only the second one. What is causing them in Deadwood? I hate to expect too much from this subplot, but it brings another layer to a character that could easily become a caricature in lesser hands. He’s so determined to connect with God and feel the spirit that he must be over compensating for past trauma during the war. His story is one of many that continue to expand as we head into the second half of the season. ...........http://www.ptsnob.com/2014/07/deadwood-watch-episode-16-plague.html

The Book of Job and the Problem of Suffering on the Streets of Deadwood
By Karl Jacobson, PhD http://www.sbl-site.org/assets/pdfs/TBv2i6_JacobsonDeadwood.pdf

Scene One (Season 1, Episode 6)
Following an outbreak of smallpox in Deadwood Rev. Smith is helping Doc Cochran care for the sick and the dying. As they visit with the sick Rev. Smith is struck briefly by a seizure; in the aftermath Smith and Cochran discuss his affliction.
Rev. Smith: “He [God] marks us sinful and forgiven by confession. He has told us and shown us. He has told me.”
Doc: “Alright, you listen to me now Reverend. You are goddamn exhausted, and you give yourself no respite. And these seizures may owe something to that. But it also wouldn’t surprise me if you had a lesion in your goddamn head, and that’s what’s giving you the seizures and generating your chats with the goddamn Divinity. Goddamn offense intended.”

The problem of suffering is dealt with, on the streets of Deadwood, primarily in the interaction of two of the supporting characters, the Rev. H. W. Smith (Ray McKinnon) and Doc. Cochran (Brad Dourif). Cochran is the settlement’s resident doctor, a former army doctor who has fled West following the Civil War; he wrestles with the guilt associated with the deaths of so many of his patients that he was unable to prevent.
Smith is an itinerant preacher who comes to the camp to bring the Word of God, working odd jobs to support himself so that he may perform the duties of a minister—preaching, care for the sick and dying, and burials. Over the course of the season it becomes clear that Smith is suffering from an ailment that causes seizures and begins to affect not only his daily living, but his faith as well. Both Smith’s vocation and his affliction become the focal point for reflection on the complex intersection of faith and suffering.
Rev. Smith: “None taken sir. ... Could not the lesion be the instrument of God’s instructive intention doctor? If I am so afflicted?”
Doc: “Well of course it could, his ways not being ours and so forth. But could he not, Reverend, just want you getting out of here and getting yourself some goddamn rest?”

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