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Title Bello, onesto emigrato Australia sposerebbe compaesana illibata
Originaltitle: Bello, onesto, emigrato Australia sposerebbe compaesana illibata
Regie: Luigi Zampa
Darsteller: Alberto Sordi, Claudia Cardinale, Riccardo Garrone
Erscheinungsjahr: 1971
Land: Italien
Stichwort: Epilepsie, epileptischer Anfall, Anfälle
Release: 13.12.1971

Australien der 30er Jahre: Ein italienischer Emigrant, der Epilepsie hat, heiratet per Korrispendenz. Er ahnt nicht, daß seine Zukünftige eine Prostituierte ist. Diese wiederum reist nach Australien ohne zu wissen, daß ihr Zukünftiger arm und krank ist.

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Bello, onesto emigrato Australia sposerebbe compaesana illibata aka Girl in Australia, A

Only Alberto Sordi could portray so well an old fashioned man looking for a virtuous wife from his country. Only he could lead you from laughter to cry in no time. Among my favorite scenes, Alberto turned down by awful looking Italian women in a dancing hall. If you really want to enter the world of many Italian immigrants around the globe, then watch this funny, insightful movie.

mingus_311, Rome, Italy, Date: 27 February 2003 / Summary: bye albertone

two days ago Alberto Sordi, Albertone for romans, passed away. He was a giant of italian comedy. This movie is a comedy but also a touching review of italian emigrant life style in Australia, the other side of the world. There was a time when in Italy the misery forced people to leave the homeland and spread all around the world. this movie is for them, because it shows their epic efforts to cope with a new environment, often hostile and mercyless, trying to defend their italianity and their community. The hidden values of these italians are no more represented in Italy, at least in the modern zones of Italy. They live in the era when they left Italy. In this sense they are the mirror of our past, but also of our future, when inter-cultural societies will be the norm.

Kristen Skullerud (skulli99@hotmail.com), Date: 29 January 2002 / Summary: Hard life of an old fashioned Italian immigrant !!

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