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Title Idiot
Originaltitle: "Idiot"
Regie: Mani Kaul
Darsteller: Vasudeo Bhatt, Babulal Bora, Meenakshi Goswami
Erscheinungsjahr: 1991
Land: Indien
Stichwort: Epilepsie, Dostojewski, Literaturverfilmung
Release: 08.10.1991

Der unter Epilepsie leidende Fürst Myschkin kehrt heim. Er verliebt sich in Nastasia, mit der er sich verlobt, geht aber auch ein Verhältnis mit Amba ein. An ihrem Hochzeitstag verlässt Nastasia Myschkin und kehrt zu ihrem reichen Liebhaber Pawan Raghujan zurück, der sie umbringt. Beide Männer warten darauf auf die Polizei. Myschkin wird wahnsinnig.

Weitere Info
In this austere, even arid retelling of the story from Feodor Dostoyevsky's novel, all the characters have been transferred to an Indian setting. The "idiot," or title character is an upper-class man who has been transformed by his experiences into someone who takes a close and minute interest in improving the lives of those around him. By the standards of upper-class Russian (or in this case, Indian) society, he has become an "idiot" and is quite literally insane. This unguardedly saintly behavior provokes a villainous response in several characters, who eventually succeed in destroying this very dangerous sort of man.

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