function propTypeDateAddedSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "DATE_FORMAT(movies.DateAdded, '$GLOBALS[strDefaultDateFormat]') AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("movies.DateAdded"); } } function propTypeClicksSql($prop, $role) { if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = "movies.DownloadCount AS `$prop[Name]`"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeUserAddedSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql = array(); $sql['select'] = " AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]users AS users"] = "users.ID=movies.UserAddedID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } function propTypeCommentsSql($prop, $role) { global $CFG; if($role=="sql") { $sql['select'] = "COUNT(comment.ID) AS `$prop[Name]`"; $sql['left join']["$CFG[Prefix]comment AS comment"] = "comment.MovieID=movies.MovieID"; $sql['group'][] = "movies.MovieID"; return($sql); } else if($role=="order") { return("`$prop[Name]`"); } } if(file_exists('localproptypes.php')) { include('localproptypes.php'); } ?>
[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] [ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] |
Title | Priester, Der | |
Originaltitle: | Priest | |
Regie: | Antonia Bird | |
Darsteller: | Linus Roache, Tom Wilkinson, Robert Carlyle | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 1994 | |
Land: | UK | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie, epileptischer Anfall, Anfälle, Exorzismus | |
Release: | 12.09.1994 |
Handlung | ||
Der frischgebackene Pater Greg nimmt vor lauter Linientreue seine Umwelt nicht recht wahr. In der Beichte erfährt er vom sexuellen Missbrauch eines jungen Mädchens durch ihren Vater. Greg weiss sich zwischen Moral und Dogma nicht zu entscheiden. Seine homosexuellen Neigungen stürzen ihn in eine Glaubenskrise. Pater Matthew, der sich weder um Vatikan noch Zölibat schert, steht ihm zur Seite.
Weitere Info | ||
In Schwaber Kerson, Toba: ""Epilepsy and Media"" (Manuskript) im Zusammenhang mit epileptischen Anfällen genannt. ""....a teenager has such episodes (simulierte Anfälle) in order to protect herself from being molested by her father."" Schwaber Kerson, Toba: ""Epilepsy and Media"" (Manuskript, S. 30) from Toba Kerson's notes: Chapter 9. Lisa has a seizure in the classroom. Father Gregg takes her home in a taxi but is unable to tell her mother why he thinks she is having what are pseudo seizures. Says to mtoerh, Lisa oughten’t be left alone. Mother says we never leave her along. If I’m not here, she’s with Phil, her father. Ch 10 – at school, on the stairs, says to a teacher, Lisa doesn’t look too good. Teacher says, “It’s these fits. They get her down.” Later teacher calls father Greg and tells him that she’s discovered the reason. She has a bully (another girl) in her office who has been stealing Lisa’s bag lunch. Later in that chapter, confronts the father (whom he has confronted before) late at night, after the bar has closed, big bonfire in the background, “Look. It’s got to stop. She’s taking fits because of what you are doing. Phil says as he walks off, “Piss off.” (Has already talked to the father in the confessional about how this is the worst sin.). helpless rage than pain even yet, answered in a choked voice while he nursed his flaming hand against his stomach: “They know! They’re all that’s left that knows now – and I can’t get it out of them!” pp. 34 -34
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