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[ Handlung ] [ Weitere Info ] [ Info Filmdatenbank IMDb ] |
Title | Othello | |
Originaltitle: | Othello | |
Regie: | Dimitri Buchowetzki | |
Darsteller: | Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss, Ica von Lenkeffy | |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 1922 | |
Land: | Deutschland | |
Stichwort: | Epilepsie | |
Release: | 17.09.1922 |
Handlung | ||
Othello kehrt siegreich nach Venedig zurück. Er macht seinen treuen Gefärhten Cassio zum Leutnant. Jago schört Rache zu nehmen. Otheollo entführt Desdemona und heiratet sie. Die beiden begeben sich nach Zypern. Von Jago manipuliert ermordet Othello Desdemona, die er im Bunde mit Cassius glaubt.
Weitere Info | ||
Othello's Epilepsie Als Jago gegenüber Othello die Überzeugung ausspricht, Desdemona habe ihn mit Cassio betrogen, bekommt Othello einen epileptischen Anfall. Den hinzukommenden Cassio, dem er anvertraut, Othello habe Epilepsie und auch schon vorher Anfälle gehabt, schickt er weg. Othello sei in diesem Zustand extrem agressiv, teilt er ihm als Begründung mit. Desdemona scheint Jagos Ansicht zu teilen, wenn sie kurz vor dem Sterben ihrem Mörder zuflüstert: And yet I fear you; for you're fatal then When your eyes roll so . . . . Othello (Act V; 2; 37-38)[5] “Othello”-Versionen und -Modernisierungen 1922: Dmitri Buchowetzki Moderne Versionen von Othello Zur Aufführungsgeschichte: Although to a lesser extent than Shakespeare's other tragedies, Othello was cut, during the 1700s, to fit the expectations and style of the period. Any speeches that were considered offensive or obscure were cut to leave more time for extravagant spectacles, songs and dances. Eighteenth-century audiences wanted Othello to fit into the mould of traditional hero. Lines were cut to eliminate the coarser aspects of his character. Othello's discussion with Iago at the beginning of Act 4, concerning whether Desdemona and Cassio could be 'naked in bed... and not mean harm' [4.1.5] was removed. Othello's epileptic fit was also cut, being deemed, apparently, 'absurd' and unacceptable. Another significant omission was Desdemona's Willow Song: lines like 'If I court moe women, you'll couch with moe men' [4.3.54], being considered too unladylike to be sung by a Venetian aristocrat. 'When he was studying that Part, he considered that Quin was a large, corpulent man... therefore... could not fall suddenly to the ground... but he, with his insignificant person, could do it… and therefore reintroduced that shameful scene of epilepsy… which should have been exploded with indignation and contempt… for offering such an absurd passage to a thinking and judicious audience.' (Macklin Garrick's Lear and Othello from Memoirs in the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq. By James Thomas Kirkman) Literatur zu "Epilepsie bei Othello" John P. Emery, Ph.D.: Othello's Epilepsy, Psychoanalytic Review, 46 D, 1959, 30-32 Shakespeare scientifically depicts Othello's trance. Its causes are natural and dramatically appropriate. Nineteenth-century members of the medical profession observe that Othello's very intense emotional state leads to his epileptic fit. 13 Contemporary doctors point out that “Emotional disturbances may be at fault” 7 in causing epilepsy and that mental agitation frequently precedes an epileptic seizure. 4 The incoherence of Othello's speech. Auszug aus: And yet I fear you; for you're fatal then This raises another interesting question: whether a person can commit a crime while having a seizure and, therefore, not be held responsible. Anm.: The Epilepsy of Othello
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