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Titel Hexenkessel
Originaltitel: Mean Streets
Genre: Drama
Directed: Martin Scorsese
Besetzung: Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Proval
Kommentar: Epilepsie spielt eiine bedeutungsvolle Nebenrolle in "Hexenkessel". Teresa bekommt wiederholt epileptische Anfälle, von denen aber nur einer allerdings ausführlich gezeigt wird. Charlie ist durch die Verbindung mit ihr extrem kompromitiert in der traditional denkenden Mafia-Familie. Johnny Boy zeigt wenig Verstädnnis für Teresa, ja er lässt sie im Anfall allein, während Charlie sentimental mit der Verbindung und dann mit dem Anfallerlebnis umgeht. Er lässt Teresa hilflos liegen, nicht sorglos wie Johnny Boy. Er trennt sich von ihr, weil sie seiner Karriere im Wege steht. Der Einsatz der "Epilepsie" in diesem Film hat Ähnlichkeiten mit dem epileptischen Anfall einer Prostitierten in Bertolucci's "1900", siehe dort.aus dem Drehbuch "Mean Streets":"TERESA RONCHALI is 30 years, well built, attractive andintelligent. She is well read and quiet. The salary shemakes as a secretary in a book publishing firm practicallysupports her family. She has epilepsy which has preventedher (in her own mind) from entering into any seriousrelationships with men. She has however, been having anaffair with CHARLIE for the past year. It is a well keptsecret from both families because the families regard eachother as blood relations."...........INT. CHARLIE'S MOTHER'S BEDROOM - MORNING CHARLIE Don't do that. You'll scare Teresa if you try to sneak in.JOHNNY BOY is now by the window looking out at the fireescape mischieviously. JOHNNY BOY Yeah...you're right. Maybe she'll have a seizure and we can watch.He laughs. CHARLIE hits JOHNNY BOY on the back of the head. CHARLIE That's not funny. You gonna be a jerk-off all your life. Grow up. You want something to eat from your aunt's house you go knock on her door, understand?"..................GIOVANNI (confidentially) His whole family has problems...his cousin, the girl who lives next door to you... CHARLIE Teresa. GIOVANNI ...The one who's sick, right? In the head. CHARLIE No, she's got epilepsy. GIOVANNI Yeah. That's what I said, sick in the head.CHARLIE nods."..........INT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT CHARLIE (continues) Teresa, get these ideas out of your head...I've got enough on my hands right now...with that bastard cousin of yours. You wanna move? Go ahead. By all means! But keep me out of it...I've got nothing to do with it...you understand...nothing. CUT TO:CHARLIE'S WINDOWJOHNNY BOY is at CHARLIE's window. Through it he can seeTERESA lying on the bed in tears and CHARLIE pacing back andforth across the room. 79.He is still talking loudly, JOHNNY BOY doesn't seem to payany attention to the fact that TERESA is in CHARLIE'Sbedroom. He opens the window and jumps in, smilingsarcastically. TERESA and CHARLIE are startled. CHARLIEgrabs JOHNNY BOY by his coat collar. CHARLIE Where were you? Answer me, you sonofabitch! Where were you?TERESA is frightened and rushes towards CHARLIE. JOHNNY BOYreacts to the scene with uncontrolled laughter. CHARLIE isoutraged and slaps him across the face but JOHNNY continuesto laugh. TERESA screams. CHARLIE (to Teresa) Shut up! JOHNNY BOY (to Teresa) Yeah, Teresa, shut up! We don't wanna get Charlie here in trouble, do we?...We love Charlie.CHARLIE flings JOHNNY BOY against a wardrobe, letting go ofhis collar. CHARLIE You had me going crazy!TERESA is crying. JOHNNY goes into the kitchen and CHARLIEfollows. TERESA stays in the doorway. CUT TO:INT. KITCHEN - CHARLIE'S APARTMENTJOHNNY BOY takes a drink of water from the sink as he talks.CHARLIE is calmer now; calm enough to realize that JOHNNYhas figured out his true relationship to TERESA. He triesto protect himself. CHARLIE Your cousin here was getting sick, worrying about you. We've been in here calling... JOHNNY BOY Oh, that's too bad, Teresa...CHARLIE is embarrassed and TERESA is afraid. 80. JOHNNY BOY (continues) Well kids...have the bans been announced yet? CHARLIE Don't be smart. JOHNNY BOY I'm not smart...I'm stupid, remember. I'm so stupid that you have to look out for me, remember?TERESA is crying. JOHNNY BOY Don't be upset Teresa. You have to understand Charlie, here...he gives of himself to help others... TERESA I'm going to go home. JOHNNY BOY No, you stay. CHARLIE Johnny, I swear to God, if you open your mouth about any of this... JOHNNY BOY (angry) Me? I wouldn't say a word to my aunt and uncle...or even your uncle, Charlie...TERESA makes it to the door and opens it quickly. JOHNNYBOY grabs her to keep her from leaving. CHARLIE rushestowards them and pulls JOHNNY BOY away. By now, they arehalfway down the hall. JOHNNY BOY (shouting) Charlie...I always wondered about her...what happens when she comes? Does she get one of those fits? Eh? That would be something to see...JOHNNY BOY is interrupted by CHARLIE'S fist as it lands asolid punch on the right side of his hand. TERESA screamsand rushes to separate them. 81. JOHNNY BOY You rat bastard!! Don't hit me again!!CHARLIE stops. JOHNNY BOY I think I will fuckin go see your uncle right now...he'd be interested.CHARLIE rushes JOHNNY BOY towards the stairs. They bumpinto TERESA, slamming her against the wall. CHARLIE Go ahead! Go on! And we'll see what happens to you without me.TERESA is terrified that JOHNNY BOY will really go toCHARLIE'S uncle. TERESA No...no...don't.TERESA falls, hitting the stairs with a thud. She liesthere moaning and tossing her head. CHARLIE and JOHNNY BOYgo to help her. CHARLIE What do I do? You know anything about this?JOHNNY BOY steps over TERESA to go down the stairs. He turns. JOHNNY BOY I don't know...she's your girl...I gotta go.CHARLIE is furious. JOHNNY BOY points to TERESA who isgetting worse. JOHNNY BOY Hate to miss the floor show, though.CHARLIE lunges out at JOHNNY BOY shoving him halfway downthe stairs. He has gotten hold of his coat so that JOHNNYBOY can't leave. Neighbors from downstairs open their doorsand come up the stairs. CHARLIE, in complete panic, triesto put something into TERESA'S mouth while holding JOHNNYBOY at the same time. He shoves his hand into her mouthtrying to pry it open but she bites into it. CHARLIEscreams as the blood streams out. He lets go of JOHNNY BOY. 82.The neighbors take over. One woman appears to know how toadminister aid to TERESA. CUT TO:INT. CHARLIE'S BUILDING - STAIRSJOHNNY BOY is halfway down the stairs by now. The neighbortakes care of TERESA. While CHARLIE dashes down the stairs,CHARLIE grabs JOHNNY in the ground floor hallway.
Jahr: 1973
Veröffentlicht: 00.00.0000
Land: USA

Die Freunde Charlie und Johnny Boy geben den Ton an in einer Gruppe junger Männer, die in ""Little Italy"", dem Italienerviertel New Yorks, ihr Leben mit Gelegenheitsarbeiten, Drogenhandel und nächtlichen Streifzügen verbringen. Gegen den Rat seines mafiösen Onkels will sich Charlie weder von Johnny Boy noch von seiner Geliebten, der epilepsiekranken Kusine Teresa trennen. Das Spiel endet mit einer tödlichen Schießerei.

Anfallsform benannt, Mit Anfall, krampfartiger Anfallsverlauf, Nebenrolle

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