James Purefoy, Rachel Shelley, Christopher Adamson
Aufgenommen in die Epilepsie-Filmographie von Sally Baxendale, The Lancet, Neurology Bd. 2 Dezember 2003, http://image.thelancet.com/extras/03TLN8005webtable.pdf
from Toba Kerson's notes: .........Richard Spader who has been convicted of killing his wife but who says that he was having an epileptic fit brought on by flashing lights when someone else killed his wife. He is the hero, and in the end when Rook who has also found his way to the lighthouse with a huge knife kills them, one by one, and he and the psych are all the way up at the light, and Rook is right behind, Spader has a flashing light induced seizure. McCloud throws something at the light, and he immediately resumes the fight, rescues them both as Rook, on fire, falls to his death from the top of the lighthouse. Only scene in which you see the seizure is at the end of the film. Early in the film, the case officer tells her that Spader claims that someone flahing security lights caused ab epileptic fit. He repeats it again saying that he hasn’t taken the chance to escape. She says where would he go. Later they have a little discussion. She says is it really true that you are here because you killed your wife. Yes, but I didn’t do it. I had an epileptic fit. You know the chances are 100 to one. Yes, but I was the one. Then, seizure in the scene described above.
Ein Gefängnisschiff läuft mit seinen Gefangenen - darunter Leo Rook, ein Serialkiller - auf Grund. Rook hat Epilepsie. Er ermordet einen nach dem anderen seiner Schicksalsgenossen. Der Psychopath kann erst durch die Neuro-Psychologin Dr. Kirsty McCloud und einen jungen Gefangenen gestoppt werden.