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Titel Vampire trailer park
Originaltitel: Vampire Trailer Park
Genre: Komödie
Directed: Steve Latshaw
Besetzung: Bently Tittle, Kathy Moran, Patrick Moran
Kommentar: from Toba Kerson's notes: There are 3 manifestations. 1st one – generalized grand mal seizure, 2nd 3rd seizures looked like pseudo seizures with grand mal qualities. Vampire first of all sounds as if he has asthma – crawls – no more – like someone vomiting. There’s a background song that’s called The Vampire Trailer Park. Detective Andrew Holt refers to them as “puckin vampires.” His partner is psychic Jennifer Baiswell. Whose dead grandmother lives inside her. Early on, maybe 10 minutes into the film, Jennifer is sitting in the car waiting for Holt to finish talking to a police sergeant. He gets into the car. She begins to have a seizure like event – just the shaking and he pulls her out and says Grandma Baiswell.s here! She says in a different voice, “yes. “Look for the trees, twin trees.” (ME – after all, how do you signal a change of consciousness) 1746 - died, want him to die again. ................. Another similar event later on. Granny appears – Jennifer is sitting cross-legged on a table, shakes a bit – stretches out her hands – that’s it. Makes wooden crosses – brings them into the vampire’s trailer. One more shaking thing – shakes head around – speaks as Grandma –shakes head again and is fine.
Jahr: 1991
Veröffentlicht: 00.00.0000
Land: USA

Ein neurotischer und alkoholabhängiger Detektiv jagt einen Mörder in Florida auf einem Platz abgestellter Wohnwagen (trailer park). Seine Assistentin bekommt epileptische Anfälle, wenn das Wort „twin palms“ fällt. Dabei erscheint ihr die verstorbene Grossmutter, die ihr Hinweise gibt. Ein Vampir, der an Bulemie leidet, macht den Platz unsicher. Der Platzbesitzer ermordet ältere Platzbenutzer, indem er sie zu Tode erschreckt.

Expertenzuordnung, Mit Anfall, krampfartiger Anfallsverlauf, Nebenrolle, Epilepsiespielfilm

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