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Titel The jacket
Originaltitel: The jacket
Genre: Drama
Directed: John Maybury
Besetzung: Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley
Kommentar: Das Drehbuch: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Jacket,-The.html 115 EUGENE D--d---d----. But Eugene can't hold the sound of the letter long enough to make the word. An absence seizure takes hold of him as he looks out unconsciously into space. 116: TALIA: What's happening? LORENSON [Putting the pieces together] He got a little shock. [To himself] And it's reset him. Not permanently probably...but at least for a little while. They use it on epileptic patients sometimes... TALIA But he's not epileptic. LORENSON No, but he is having seizures. ................. As JACKIE keeps scrolling, her face wears her disbelief that what STARKS was saying may have been true. Then, she sees, archived in a state newspaper, a mention of Dr. Lorenson and a particular patient, "Eugene Yazdi". "Local Boy, Eugene Yazdi, Overcomes Absence Seizure Syndrome to Win Mathematic Decathlon...with the aid of Local Doctor, Dr. Loel Lorenson." "Panelists for National Epilepsy Conference include Dr. Lorenson, Alpine Grove Hospital."
Jahr: 2005
Veröffentlicht: 00.00.0000
Land: USA

1991: Der US-Marine Jack Starks leidet seit einer Schussverletzung an Amnesie. Er wird eines Mordes beschuldigt, aber als geisteskrank in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen und medizinischen Experimenten unterworfen. Die Folge sind epileptische Anfälle (Absencen) und die Fähigkeit zu Zeitreisen. Eine Frau aus der Zukunft rettet ihn.

EpilepsieprotagonistIn, Anfall erwähnt, Mit Anfall, Verstörung, Hauptrolle

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