Bianca had difficulty accepting Heaths offers of help and was reluctant to show him her baby photo but, after chatting with Darcy, gave them a DVD of the ultrasound and ended up watching it with Heath. She was grateful when Heath put together a cot she and April had bought but soon afterwards was diagnosed with high blood pressure. When she felt worse, she went in again and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia. She was told the baby would have to be delivered early and asked Heath to make sure the baby was prioritised over her. She then had to be rushed into theatre earlier than planned when she started fitting. She came round to learn she had a son but upon visiting him instantly suffered a seizure because of a bleed on the brain and ended up in an induced coma. When she came round, she seemed fine but reacted badly when Heath, April and Dexter took her to see the baby, insisting to Sid her baby had died and she had been shown someone else’s baby. She was diagnosed with post-natal psychosis and asked to see Heath but was frustrated when he refused to go along with her version of events. When Liam turned up at the hospital, she told him she was being kept prisoner and begged him to take her away. She absconded from the hospital and ran to Liam, convinced they were still together. Sid and Heath arrived on the scene and Bianca was sedated and taken back to hospital. When she came round, she was her old self and had no memory of anything that happened after she saw the baby. Irene and Sid took her to see her son.
Zitiert aus:
"Home and Away ist eine australische Seifenoper, die seit dem 17. Januar 1988 auf Seven Network ausgestrahlt wird. Mit mehr als 5000 Folgen ist sie die zweiterfolgreichste Soap in Australien. In Australien ist die Serie sehr beliebt. Im Durchschnitt wird die Serie von 1,4 Millionen Zuschauern verfolgt.[1] In Deutschland wurde die Serie bislang noch nicht ausgestrahlt."
"Die Geschichten spielen alle um den Summer Bay Caravan Park. "Wikipedia
Bianca erhält für die Geburt ihres Kindes die Diagnose Pre-eclampsia. Sie weiss, dass das Kind vorzeitig zur Welt kommt. Sie bittet Heath, dafür zu sorgen, dass das Leben des Kindes ihrem vorgezogen wird. Sie erfährt noch, dass ihr Sohn lebt. Bevor sie ihn sehen kann, bekommt sie einen Anfall und Hirnblutungen. Deswegen wird sie in ein künstliches Koma versetzt..
Zuschreibung, Mit Anfall, Eklampsie, Hauptrolle, Eclampsia